For Parents Investing in Their Knowledge

For referrals
For teens
Which college is best for you?
About the source
Helping early learners
Time for a better career?
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Parents' knowledge can have a big impact
on their kids' long term skills.
  Because, every parent is an educator.

Wishing every parent an amazingly
wonderful impact! 

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College marketing is big business.  What parents don't learn costs them a lot of money and a lot of stress.  

The world has changed. The definition of college has changed.  What works for one family may not work for every family. Families want to make sure they are getting the solution that is right for them.  This book can help families who want to make sure they get the best value for them.

Kathy is also presenting helpful hints programs for parents. 
Check with your local library. 
 Parents' knowledge can make a big difference.

My privacy policy is that I don't keep track of who looks at this site. 
People have a right to their personal privacy.
Tracking just comes across as a little too disrespectful for me.

Money doesn't cure diseases, people do ......
  Money doesn't solve problems, people do.

There are some incredible people around ....
however, they might be hiding
from the people who don't respect them.  

Copyright guidelines:  Please note, this information is posted on the internet which has some challenging issues these days.  So, please be careful and think through how you share this information.  It is so much more fun to work with people who already like me and that might not be on the internet.